What is Choice Supporting Independent Living
What is CSIL?
Choice in Supports for Independent Living (CSIL) is an alternative way for people with disabilities who have high-intensity care needs (need a lot of care) to receive home support services.
To be eligible for CSIL, you must first be eligible for provincial home support services, and a health authority case manager will assess their care needs and eligibility for CSIL.
For CSIL, instead of receiving support provided directly by your local health authority (VCH, Fraser Health, etc), the government gives you the money and allows you to hire your own employees.
Difficulties with CSIL
CSIL is more of a do-it-yourself way of receiving care. You are essentially running a business, as the government requires a dedicated bank account just for CSIL, and you are responsible for hiring, scheduling, screening, paying for your own employees and staff. You would also be responsible for book keeping, taxes, payroll etc.
The above is a lot of things to manage and learn, meaning that the learning curve will take some time until you can adjust to it.
Can someone help me with the CSIL responsibilities like Bookkeeping & Hiring?
Yes, but it has it’s limitations.
There are two “phases” for CSIL. (Phases is not accurate, it’s more like options or types)
Phase I is for people who manage their own services. Phase II is for people who need some assistance to manage CSIL and will form a Client Support Group to fill this role or have a representative. Both Phases have requirements that you must meet to be eligible.
If you need help with CSIL it’s likely that you are using phase II of CSIL. However be note that there are specific requirements of this Client Support Group (CSG). The CSG must be:
- volunteers —composed of friends, family
- supporters—registers as a non-profit society and acts as the employer on the CSIL user’s behalf.
- person named as someone’s Representative in a Representation Agreement, can also act on behalf of CSIL Phase II applicants Note: you can’t pay the CSG using your CSIL funds, which is why they must be volunteers or a non-profit organization.
What happens to my existing home health services if I apply for CSIL?
If you choose the CSIL program, the funding used to provide your existing home care will be given directly to you. This means that your local health authorities will no longer pay for any additional home care services.
Current CSIL Hourly Rate
The current CSIL Hourly Rate is $38.19 per hour effective April 1, 2024
What does this mean for Seniors
In our honest opinion, it’s not very feasible unless you have a family member willing to dedicate their time into learning how to manage CSIL and setting up everything. The set up process and the application process is likely going to take a few month even for a young adult who is well-versed in technology.
Personally, it would be very difficult for my own parents to navigate through all this.
So who is this for?
CSIL is a good way for people who are disabled, have the time, and want to customize their home care service to their own needs. However it may be very difficult for seniors living on their own to figure out how to apply and get everything set up, especially because of the many application forms and plans that you have to make and fill.